On Wed, Jun 26, 2002 at 11:36:51PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Ik probeer spamassassin op mijn Debian systeem te installeren, maar ik
> kom er weer eens niet uit. Kan iemand mij hiermee helpen? 

This isn't really a Dutch-speaking list, but I can make enough out to
have a go.

> -rw-rw-r--    1 paul     paul          364 Jun 26 23:24 /home/paul/.procmailrc
> Als ik nu een mailtje naar mijzelf stuur, of een mailtje via standaard
> input aan procmail aanbied, dan krijg ik foutmelding:
> procmail: Suspicious rcfile "/home/paul/.procmailrc"

This is documented in the man page (procmail(1)) as follows:

       Suspicious rcfile "x"  The owner of the rcfile was not the
                              recipient or  root,  the  file  was
                              world  writable,  or  the directory
                              that   contained   it   was   world
                              writable,  or  this was the default
                              rcfile ($HOME/.procmailrc) and  ei?
                              ther  it  was group writable or the
                              directory  that  contained  it  was
                              group  writable (the rcfile was not

So if you make your .procmailrc mode 644 (-rw-r--r--) instead then it
should be OK.

The recipes I use for spamassassin, having started spamd, are:

  | /usr/bin/spamc

  * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes


Colin Watson                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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