>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


>> There is also the experimental repository, but you don't want to go
>> there unless you really know what you're doing.

Paul> I hadn't heard or seen this.  I take it it's off in obscurity for
Paul> good reason then...

If you look around in discussions on Gnome 2, you'll see the
experimental repository mentioned, because there are experimental Gnome
2 .debs in there.  (I was actually surprised to see it mentioned in the
Gnome 2 prerelease announcements.)

Gnome 2 seems to be the only interesting thing in there at the moment,
though.  Most of the other packages are of much less interest to the
average Debian user.  It looks mostly like a place for developers to put
packages and have other developers poke around with them.  Naturally,
packages break more often than in unstable, and the developers provide
much less support for the experimental packages.

So yes, it's off in obscurity for good reason.

Luckily, apt has some built-in protection to prevent you from
accidentally upgrading to an experimental package, which leads to
unexpected behaviours when you don't understand what's going on.

Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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