use arial from msttcorefonts package, turn off font antialising and KDE will 
look great

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paolo Pantaleo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 12:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: KDE, GNOME and font anti aliasing
> I have tried both KDE and GNOME and i noticed this problem:
> KDE seems less tidy and more stressing for eyes (i often get 
> headache ager using KDE) than GNOME.
> I obviusly tried both on the same machine, same monitor, same config.
> Well i think that could be:
> 1) KDE fonts anti alising is not as good as GNOME one, in 
> fact fonts in KDE seems always slightly blurred
> 2) KDE uses too bright colors that make less clear windows and widgets
> Now i would like to ask:
> 1) Am I right, is there anyone else who noticed this, or is 
> just a wrong idea i have?
> 2) Is there any way to get better fonts? (for example i konw 
> that there is somewhere in source forge a collection of MS 
> high quality
> fonts) or better anti aliasing? Is there any difference 
> between the fonts used by GNOME those used by KDE?
> Thnx
> PAolo

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