Marc Shapiro wrote:
OK. Like I'm guessing is the case with many of the users on this list, I have a multitude of PCs around the house. Four to be exact. I used to have three of them up and running, but that was before we moved. Now, since I have a DSL connection, I no longer have my desktop connected to an old machine with ISA slots just to use the hardware modem. We also have not yet found room to set up my daughter's computer. So only one PC is in use and the others are not even out of their moving boxes.

Like I said, I don't have enough space in the new apartment to set up multiple computers, but I dislike having computing power going to waste. Can anyone suggest a way to network/connect all four to possibly distribute the load among them? I am considering building a custom case to hold all the MBs and only have a single monitor, mouse and keyboard connected. The case would, obviously, have to be fairly large, but it could then act as a table, as well, so the space would still be more efficient than four seperate cases which serve no othere purpose.

I don't see much advantage over just stacking up the boxes in a corner or
closet. In addition, the slow boxes aren't going to add appreciable power in a clustering arrangement, so that idea is out.

This is the equipment that I have:

My current Desktop unit - AMD Athlon XP 2400+
                         - 40 GB HD (less than half used)
                         - DVD ROM / CDRW
                         - 3.5" FD
                         - Built in Audio
                         - USB / Firewire

Previous Net gateway    - PII 350MH
                         - 200 MB HD
                         - 20 GB HD
                         - CD-ROM
                         - 3.5" FD
                         - USB

This one would make a reasonable spare desktop, especially if you avoid Gnome
and KDE, and use a lean window manager instead.

Daughter's PC           - 486 SX 25
                         - 80 MB HD

Other inherited PC      - 486 SX 25
                         - 120 MB HD?  (may actually be 80 + compression)

The 486s are currently running Win3.1, but that can be remedied.

In my opinion these are way too underpowered for most current X graphical apps.
Even non-graphical debian utilities like apt will be too slow.

Consider using one for a firewall(-router) and/or X-10 controller. Off the shelf DSL routers are poor firewalls and tend to have scary security holes.

Leave Win3.1 on the other for legacy apps, games or Windows-only peripherals.

I also have lots of cables of various sorts, extra mice and keyboards (that I hope NOT to use) a few small HDs (170 MB to 256 MB) a 10-BaseT card or two.

10Mb cards are good connecting to a DSL modem in a firewall box.

  Somewhere, there is also a 2GB HD that has a possibly
non-funtional Win98SE install.  It is probably in the PII box.

2GB would make good live mirror backup for a modest Debian installation.

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