On 31/10/05, Curt Howland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, yall. I pulled down 2.6.14 yesterday with the usual topping off of
> the tank, as it were, and tried it out today.
> LILO puts up the usual "......" for loading, then bam, black screen.
> There's some disk access for about 10 seconds, then nothing and the
> CPU fan starts spinning up like it's utilizing 100%.
> I do have the Knoppix sourced "vga=791" for a decent console screen,
> but that's worked since kernel 2.2.x.
> Is anyone else having difficulties with 2.6.14? I revert to 2.6.12 and
> everything runs just fine.

Yes, I'm having the same. There seems to be a problem with 2.6.14 and



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