> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Kent West" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
> Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 7:44 PM
> Subject: Re: cannot get into X - after testing dist-upgrade 11-03-05
>>> OK, I am stuck. I cannot get the log file. I am mostly ignorant when
>>> it comes to the in-depth stuff on Linux.
>>> The main error sems to be "fail to initiate core devices."
>>> In the past, when similar problems occured, I have been able to get
>>> into X by using the NV or VESA driver instead of the nvidia, but now
>>> there is no way I can get into X.
>> Does it maybe refer to "core input devices"?
>> If so, that probably means it can't find your mouse.
>> When you say you "cannot get the log file", do you mean you can't find
>> it? you can't understand it? you can't copy it into an email to post to
>> this list?
>> -- 
>> Kent
> Thanks Kent...I think it does say " cannot find pointer"or something
> like that, also "fail to initiate core devices"
> and fail to load GLX.
> What I mean is I have no way to copy and paste that log to bring it to
> my windows partition so I can email it.
> I apologise for my ignorance, I guess I've been lucky to keep the
> system running for 1-1/2 yrs with the little knowledge I have.
> I learned "as needed" to keep it going.

One of the reasons I run gpm is that it makes diagnosing mouse issues

Generally, gpm is not installed by default. Still, that's the first
question to be asked: Are you running gpm?

If you're not sure, look in "/etc/init.d" for a "gpm" script; you can
also look in "etc/gpm.conf" for the config file. You can also check
dpkg/apt/aptitude to see if gpm is installed, but I never remember how
to see if a program is installed using these tools and I'm too lazy to
look it up.

If gpm is installed and working, you should be able to move your mouse
around and see a squarish cursor moving around the console screen.
You'll also need to make sure that gpm and X are be configured to play
nicely together. (More on that later if needed.)

As implied above, though, gpm is probably not installed.


A copy of the relevant log data would be handy. If you have a shared FAT
partition, you can copy the file to that and read it from Windows.

Or you can use a USB Fob drive.

Or a floppy.

Or if the Linux side has networking, just mail it to yourself using mail
(or mutt, or whatever text-based client you have).

Of, if you have access to a Windows-based share, or NFS share, or ftp
site, you can transfer the file up, then get to it from Windows.

In other words, there are lots of possibilities. You just may not yet
have the knowledge to know you can do it (and we don't know what
resources you have to point you yet in any specific directions).

Generally, a mouse problem in X means that the X config file is
improperly configure for the mouse, or the appropriate driver for the
mouse has not been installed. What type of mouse do you have? (USB?
PS/2? Serial? trackpad? etc)


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