On Thu, 2005-11-24 at 13:29 -0500, Kenneth Jacker wrote:
> [ sarge ]
> Looking in interfaces(5), it doesn't appear that I can include an
> "address" line (where I could specify a desired address) within
> /etc/network/interfaces for a 'dhcp'-configured interface.
> However, what I'd like to do somehow is make my RFC1819 addresses
> remain the same at home, but still use DHCP for DNS, etc.  Depending
> on what I boot when, the addresses all change thus messing up firewall
> settings and other "stuff".
> Maybe I must just go with "iface ... static" instead of "iface ... dhcp"?
> What would people suggest for this?

If you're using DHCP and you want to have "static" IPs for your devices
what you need to do is assign a static lease on the DHCP server.
Assuming you're using dhcpd you'll want something similar to this in
your dhcpd.conf:

host yourhostname {
  hardware ethernet 00:11:22:AA:BB:CC;

If you're also running your own DNS server you can actually specify the
fixed-address line using a DNS name.

If you're not using dhcpd, then you'll need to look for some reference
to assigning a static lease and go from there. Hope that helps.

Alex Malinovich
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