On 12/17/05, Gabriel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Why I don't need to supply the root password to shutdown the computer from
> gnome?...
>  I've been searching for any option related but didn't find any.

For those that don't know. gdm runs as root, yes. And so does x.org.
They have to if they are going to access hardware and certain network

In any case, the reason for the whole gdm thing is quite simple. When
you are at the gdm login screen and you select "restart", gdm pops up
a little dialog. But when you logout from within gnome, it is actually
a command that is sent to gdm (over some transport, corba?) and gdm
here has no way to ask you for your root password (so it doesn't).
Instead, it shows the (broken) behaviour of actually executing the
shutdown command.

Now, on to configuration. The only way to disable this right now is by
disabling reboot commands in gdm. And to do that you need to open
gdm.conf and change lines like this:
RebootCommand=/sbin/shutdown -r now "Rebooted from gdm menu."
That should do the work. Do not comment it out 'cause then gdm will
fallback to it's default (which will still work to shutdown).

Hope that helps,

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