Saturday, 25 February 2006 00:38, Kevin Mark wrote:
> Here is a new test system to improve spam reporting in Debian.
> It seems mutt users will be the primary ones to use this.

Presumably, KMail users should also be able to participate.

> ----- Forwarded message from Cord Beermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----
> If you get spam via our lists, BOUNCE[1] it to

The way to seemingly achieve the same effect in KMail 1.9.1 is to use 
Message->Forward->Redirect (shortcut: E). I believe older versions had 
the same feature under Message->Bounce (which seems to be supported by 
an obviously outdated section of the manual). I'm sure someone will 
point out if this feature does not meet the requirements of this 

Now, as a question of policy, are the half-dozen daily "unsubscribe" 
messages from those too illiterate to comprehend a two-line instruction 
added in caps to every message on the list considered spam? They're 
certainly unsolicited (nobody wants 'em) bulk (they're bothering 
everyone on the list) e-mail. What about challenge-response junk, false 
bounces from misconfigured spamfilters, and out-of-the-office replies?

Alex Nordstrom
Please do not CC me in followups; I am subscribed to debian-user.

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