On Sun, Feb 26, 2006 at 11:27:43PM -0600, Brad wrote:
> I wanted to install an ftp server, so I did apt-get install ftpd, then 
> found where by default there's no anonymous ftp access, which I want. I 
> also noticed that the page for the ftpd package recommends proftpd or 
> wu-ftpd instead, so I apt-get remove'd ftpd and installed proftpd, and 
> selected inetd instead of standalone mode.
> unfortunately, the server is unable to run. It says: "ProFTPd warning: 
> not start neither in standalone nor in inetd/xinetd mode, apparently. 
> Check your configuration." I'm using Debian Testing. What should I do?
Well pointing your favourite browser to www.proftpd.org and taking a look
at the documentation is always I good start.

Anyway please check in your proftpd.conf for the "ServerType" directive.
It should have the value "inetd" for running via (x)inetd and "standalone"
for the Proftpd standalone mode.

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