On Sat, Jun 14, 2003 at 03:09:49AM -0700, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sat, Jun 14, 2003 at 09:39:38AM +0100, Hugh Saunders wrote:
> > I agree, but if you have spare int ones, non winmodems  [ie onees that
> > have proper serial controllers], or lucent winmodems seem to work fine.
> Even then, I say chuck it.  Telephone line surge suppressors introduce
> line noise making it not worth having a modem faster than 28.8kbps,
> and I don't consider it terribly bright to go plugging anything
> capable of being hit by lightning or a car into a component not
> designed to take a surge and stopping it (as decent power supplies do)
> that plugs straight into my motherboard.  External modems have at
> least some hope of just blowing out without passing surge voltage up
> the serial line.  If you have telephone poles on your circuit, this
> *is* an issue.  I'd rather blow a $50 modem instead of a $10 modem and
> a $250 motherboard.
> Another strike against internal modems, hardware and otherwise:  If
> it's crapping out, you have absolutely no diagnostic output.  Nada.
> External modems provide you with some fairly helpful LEDs.
yeah, you win, next time i buy a modem it will be external. Bear in mind
that i havent bought a modem yet :) -i nick them out of old machines
people have a habbit of giving me when they upgrade. Also i hope i shant
need aa modem, a nic for broadband would be better :D


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