Indraveni wrote:
> Hi,
>  I installed bugzilla in my debian system by giving the following command:
> apt-get install bugzilla
>  I am already having apache2, mysql, perl by default. And once I gave
>  http://localhost/bugzilla
>  the home page of bugzilla is displayed but it never asked any server
> address or anything else. Then when we create an account then how does
> the password be sent to the user email address. What are the other steps
> that I need to do for installing deb package of bugzilla.
>  How the bugzilla will identify the mail addresses???
> Thankyou for any help...
> Indraveni

Did you read the documentation in /usr/share/doc/bugzilla ?  Frequently,
these complex server-side packages need a little more than a simple
apt-get because of the many different configuration options they accept.
  I would start with a README.gz or a README.Debian.gz file in that
directory and work from there.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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