On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 11:24:26AM -0400, Thomas H. George wrote:
> The Wacom Graphire4 mouse worked perfectly with Sarge - best mouse I've 
> ever had.
> After upgrading to Testing I have this strange set of affairs:  The 
> stylus will move the cursor, the mouse will not but the mouse buttons 
> and scroll wheel work.
> I found and installed xserver-xorg-input-wacom.  This did not help.
> I found xorgcfg was installed and ran it.  In expert mode I can make the 
> entries to add a wacom mouse but they have no effect.  Not surprising as 
> on starting xorgcfg there is an error message that a module was not 
> installed.  Using strace xorgcfg I found it was looking for 
> /lib/modules/drivers/linux which does not exist.  /lib/modules contains 
> directories for the installed kernels including 2.6.15Jun3.
> I went to  linuxwacom.sf.net and modified xorg.conf as shown in the 
> HOWTO Adding Input Devices.  This did not make any difference.
> Has anyone had success with the Wacom mouse in testing?  If so, do you 
> have any clues as to how to get my mouse working again?
> Tom George
I have edited /etc/X11/xorg.conf manually adding the following items:

Section "InputDevice"
        Driver      "wacom"
        Identifier  "eraser"
        Option      "Device"    "/dev/input/event0"
        Option      "Type"      "eraser"
        Option      "USB"       "on"

Section "InputDevice"
        Driver      "wacom"
        Identifier  "cursor"
        Option      "Device"    "/dev/input/event0"
        Option      "Type"      "cursor"
        Option      "USB"       "on"

Section "InputDevice"
        Driver      "wacom"
        Identifier  "mouse"
        Option      "Device"    "/dev/input/event0"
        Option      "Type"      "mouse"
        Option      "USB"       "on"

Section "InputDevice"
        Driver      "wacom"
        Identifier  "pad"
        Option      "Device"    "/dev/input/event0"
        Option      "Type"      "pad"
        Option      "USB"       "on"

The Section for the wacom stylus was already present.  The Section for
wacom mouse I made up when the other additions had no effect.  It didn't
help and neither did adding a line

        InputDevice     "cursor"        "SendCoreEvents"

in the Section "Serverlayout".

These changes didn't hurt either but adding the line

        InputDevice     "Mouse0"        "CorePointer"

which is suggested in the Linux Wacom Project HOWTO caused gdm to abort
when restarted.

For the record the file /dev/input contains event0, event1, event2,
mouse0, mouse1, mice and two symlinks wacom and tablet-graphire4-4x5.
Both the symlinks point to event2.


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