* Reid Priedhorsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-06-12 02:28]:
> On Sun, 11 Jun 2006 21:20:08 +0200, Philippe De Ryck wrote:
> > On Sun, 2006-06-11 at 13:23 -0500, Reid Priedhorsky wrote:
> >> Hi folks,
> >> 
> >> I'm contemplating a dual-monitor setup consisting of a 1280x1024
> >> LCD and a 1024x768 LCD. There's a couple of sources of oddity
> >> here: the difference
>             ^^^ doh! this should be "CRT"
> >> in resolution and the different display technologies.
> > Why would that be weird? Of course, you won't have two identical
> > screens or a symmetric setup, but that works just fine. I am
> > talking about two separate screens in the config, not xinerama or
> > other stuff. That's how I use it and how I like it.
> Well, it seems I made an error: the smaller screen would be a CRT,
> not an LCD. :/ I was thinking of stuff like text smoothing, which is
> best done differently on the two types of screens, but I've not seen
> any setups where one screen uses subpixel rendering and the other
> doesn't -- especially using Xinerama, which is important. I need to
> be able to move windows from screen to screen.

I'm not sure if it's of much help, but I have a dual-monitor setup w/
my laptop having a CRT connected through a KVM as a second screen.
I'm just mirroring the laptop's screen to the CRT, but everything
works fine.  I'd imagine merging would work OK too.

- Felix

Felix C. Stegerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  http://obfusk.net
~ "Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature."
~   -- R. Kulawiec
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