On Mon, Jun 12, 2006 at 08:13:21PM +0800, Wang Xu wrote:
> The following message was reported by smartd daemon several times,
> it seems to be a hard disk error, but does this mean I should purchase
> a new disk as soon as possible?

It means that a sector of your disk was unreadable, probably due to
damage.  If it ever manages to read this sector, or the sector is
written to, then it should reallocate the sector and mark the
existing one as bad.  So, you could possibly find out which sector
it is and try to overwrite it.

Using smartctl -a /dev/hda will give more information, and the SMART
self-tests may also help.

However, the problem is likely to get worse, possibly
catastrophically so in a short period of time, so if I were you I
would be buying a new disk now and removing that one from my
software RAID set.


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