On Sun, Jun 25, 2006 at 13:32:02 -0700, David E. Fox wrote:
> > $ ls -ld /usr/include/X11/
> > drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 4096 2006-05-23 10:41 /usr/include/X11/
> > 
> > I think you could try to create the directory with the same owner and
> > permissions and then repeat the upgrade. (I am not sure, but I guess
> This is with Xorg 6.9.0.dfsg1-6 - doing a dpkg --configure -a warns me 
> that /usr/include/X11 is not a symbolic link when I make it as a 
> directory as you suggest.
> I may be in a catch-22 situation here - can't fix the present 
> x11-common, but can't upgrade to the 7.0.22 version either because the 
> previous one is broken. 

This seems indeed to be a nasty lock-up. I hope you can break out of it.

> > If that fails it might be time for the "no more Mr. Nice Guy" approach:
> > You could try "dpkg -r --purge" to remove the old x11-common package,
> Well, apart from getting a slew of can't read current directory issues 
> (not sure from whence I ran aptitude) I'm reinstalling the xorg package. 
> On the other hand, it's blowing away most of my system in the process, 
> such as kde. But then my install of 3.5.x might be broken (mostly works 
> as is, except for amarok crashing left and right). (later) found out I 
> was in /usr/include/X11 when doing that install. Switched to root's home 
> and continuing...
> Looks like I have put myself into a no-win situation. The upgrade won't 
> happen because /usr/X11R6/bin belongs to opera, and opera can't be 
> deinstalled without removing nearly my whole system. But then using dpkg 
> -i --force on the package x11-common seems to have gotten things going. 

Is it possible to remove opera with "dpkg -r opera"? I remember at least
one other case on this list where the presence of opera turned the Xorg
transition into a dependency nightmare. I think this is because opera
puts files into /usr/X11R6/bin and these files block the upgrade because
the install scripts cannot remove the (non-empty) directory and replace
it by a symlink to /usr/bin. If all else fails you could always move the
opera files to /usr/bin yourself so that the directory is empty.  Once
the symlink is in place opera will probably not notice the difference. 

For everyone else who has not done the upgrade yet: It is probably a
good idea to uninstall some non-Debian packages first, then do the
upgrade and only afterwards reinstall the additional packages. At least
you should make sure that the add-ons have not put any files in the X

You can get a list of your installed unofficial packages with

aptitude search '~i!~Odebian'


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