OK, thank to Alexander Sack I see the problem. First I was a bad used of the file /etc/apt/preferences, I used the "Pin: release" instead the "Pin: origin". Therefore I fix the /etc/apt/preferences file and write it using "Pin: origin" and then gave to the official source Priority equal to 990 < P <= 1000 and to the not official sources give 0 < P <= 100.

The really process of fix my system was reinstall some packages before fix the /etc/apt/preferences file like shown above. In order to know which Packages I should fix I change the priority of the official sources to 100 < P, then I run 'apt-get dist-upgrade' and from the list received for DOWNGRADED I reinstall MANUALLY just the packages that didn't require remove another one.

I know that my English is very bad, sorry for that, and if some one is interested for me extend my solution please feel free to mail me.

 Thank you all,

gustavo halperin wrote:
 OK, thank you, that is the problem..

First I down the version of the thunderbird to and everythink back to work.

Second, I have some sources in my /etc/apt/sources.list not official, but I also have a file /etc/apt/preferences. So maybe I'm using bad the "Pin: release" option or some thing else. Can you see the problem ??

The /etc/apt/sources.list looks like this:
deb http://mirror.hamakor.org.il/pub/mirrors/debian/ stable main contrib non-free deb-src http://mirror.hamakor.org.il/pub/mirrors/debian/ stable main contrib non-free
   deb http://security.debian.org/ sarge/updates main contrib non-free
   #Next are the sources NOT official
deb http://www.backports.org/backports.org/ sarge-backports main contrib non-free
   deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org/ sarge main
deb http://pole.poste-agent.orion.education.fr/pub/eclair sarge contrib
And the file /etc/apt/preferences looks like this:
   Package: *
   Pin: release a=security.debian.org
   Pin-Priority: 999
   Package: *
   Pin: release a=mirror.hamakor.org.il
   Pin-Priority: 999
   Package: *
   Pin: release a=sarge-backports
   Pin-Priority: 10
   Package: *
   Pin: release a=www.debian-multimedia.org
   Pin-Priority: 10
   Package: *
   Pin: release a=pole.poste-agent.orion.education.fr/pub/eclair
   Pin-Priority: 10

Thank you,

Alexander Sack wrote:
On Thu, Jul 27, 2006 at 09:54:33PM +0300, gustavo halperin wrote:
Today I made 'apt-get update' and 'apt-get dist-upgrade' after well.
The system ask for upgrade the next packages:
libnspr4 libnss3 mozilla mozilla-browser mozilla-calendar mozilla-mailnews mozilla-psm thunderbird

I obviously accept and the I receive the next errors:
Updating mozilla chrome registry...*** Registering -webcal handler.
       *** Registering text/calendar handler.
       *** Registering webcal protocol handler.
       Error: '/etc/mailcap' is not in required format -- not updated
Restore from backup or delete and re-install mime-support packageError: '/etc/mailcap' is not in required format -- not updated Restore from backup or delete and re-install mime-support package
       Setting up mozilla-mailnews (1.7.8-1sarge7.1) ...
Updating mozilla chrome registry...*** Registering -webcal handler.
       *** Registering text/calendar handler.
       *** Registering webcal protocol handler.
            Setting up libnss3 (1.7.8-1sarge7.1) ...
            Setting up mozilla-psm (1.7.8-1sarge7.1) ...
Updating mozilla chrome registry...*** Registering -webcal handler.
       *** Registering text/calendar handler.
       *** Registering webcal protocol handler.
            Setting up mozilla (1.7.8-1sarge7.1) ...
       Setting up mozilla-calendar (1.7.8-1sarge7.1) ...
Updating mozilla chrome registry...*** Registering -webcal handler.
       *** Registering text/calendar handler.
       *** Registering webcal protocol handler.

       Setting up thunderbird (1.5.1) ...
       Configuration de thunderbird

Since you are running sarge and sarge has not thunderbird 1.5
packaged, this does not come from an official repository.

Note, there is no such thing like thunderbird 1.5.1 .... The
latest and greatest just released by mozilla.org is

So who is the one releasing this?

After these upgrades the thunderbird lose its configuration and also now is in French language. Whats happened here??

Can you post your /etc/apt/sources.list, please?

 - Alexander

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