Michelle Konzack wrote:
I run Etch with the recent updates on an Acer Aspire Laptop. But since several weeks I have a font problem under X(org). The "normal" letters all look good, but instead of special letters like "öäü..." I see just white Boxes with a hexadezimal(?)-code inside. Not always in all programms, but in the most. I thought it is just a problem of not installed fonts or wrong Language-setting, but I did not manage to fix this till now.

Maybe someone Can Help me?

Since you need the deutsche Umlaute (ja ich lebe hier an der Grenze)
do you have installed the


since they provide the missing fonts to us-ascii...
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Thanks, installing

xfonts-100dpi-transcoded and

and running

fc-cache -v

fixed the problem I had with xmms not displaying accented characters in file names and MP3 tags (-:.


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