On Friday 18 August 2006 17:59, Jude DaShiell wrote:
> When I did X -configure as root the X command appeared to terminate
> normally but still left me with an empty /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.  wc just
> returns 0's on that file when asked about it.  So what package am I maybe
> missing that would allow this to happen?  Correction, I probably had some
> kind of error generated because /var/log/xorg.0.log was mentioned.  Is
> that logging facility advanced enough to tell me which package I'm
> missing?

Any time I have every used it it never gave you a file that was to be put in 
place of the X configuration one. It has always said that you can test using 
a file that is placed in the /root directory and even then the file never 
worked for me because it always leaves out things like the font paths and 
such now it has been awhile since I tried it so maybe things have changed ...  
Is there some reason your not using "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org" without 
the quotes to try and get a working file?


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