[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Redefined Horizons") writes:

> I searched the Debian package repository for a "pdftex" package but
> couldn't find one.
Looks like you searched in the wrong way. This is what can easily be
found on Debian/unstable:
---- snip ----
[root]~ > apt-cache search pdftex
pgf - TeX Portable Graphic Format
tetex-bin - The teTeX binary files
tetex-doc - The documentation component of the Debian teTeX packages
tetex-extra - Additional library files of teTeX
transfig - Utilities for converting XFig figure files
cm-super - TeX font package with CM (EC) in Type1 in T1, T2*, TS1, X2 enc
dvipdfmx - A DVI to PDF translator with CJK support
rubber - an automated system for building LaTeX documents
texlive-base-bin - TeX Live: Essential binaries
texlive-latex-recommended - TeX Live: LaTeX recommended packages
texlive-pdfetex - TeX Live: pdfTeX
---- snip ----

I'd suggest installing tetex.

> I need to convert a tex file to pdf. Does Debian
> have a package with a utility that will allow me to do this?
Short answer: Yes!

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