On Monday 04 September 2006 03:27, Joshua J. Kugler wrote:
> On Sunday 03 September 2006 06:36, Stephen Cormier wrote:
> > Just to prevent the inevitable why no frames per second post since others
> > have told where to get it use "glxgears -printfps" without the quotes.
> If you feel like being verbose, you can also run:
> glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark
> to get the framerate.  -printfps is for sissies. :)
> j

Yeah I ran into that one in my many pages I had to read in my google 
quest^^Wsearch to find the printfps option that in their infinite wisdom 
decided not to put in the non-existant man page but just could not remember 
thatanoylinglonguselessoptionname when posting....


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