On Wed, Jun 25, 2003 at 10:39:58PM +0200, Nico Meijer wrote:
> Hi Breno,
> > I've googled for it, and searched the debian-user lists' archive, and
> > found nothing useful there, except for one page which refers to SUSE,
> > and said:
> That's weird, the solution should have been in the archives. I'll go
> check..
> > Even then, I cannot find the ncurses-devel package in dselect, nor on
> > debian's FTP site.
> > If it's not the ncurses-devel package that is missing, what could it
> > be?
> libncurses5-dev
> I've had the same trouble, as all newbies, it seems, and have made it my
> single most important task in life not to forget *that*. ;-)
i dont think anyones gonna ask that round here for a while... If only
that were true, the prob with FAQs is....


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