On Thu, Sep 21, 2006 at 08:15:29PM +0300 or thereabouts, Andrei Popescu wrote:
> Stephen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> You should see debian-www, it's much worse and it has a fraction of the
> traffic of d-u

This is an argument for the status quo -- Just because another list is
getting more ?


> > This is why debian-user is being constantly blacklisted -- So the onus is on
> > Debian to fix things on their end. Being too open has it's price, and
> > it's the subscribers to this list that are basically being deluged with
> > UCE, due to Debian not acting accordingly to the best of their ability.
> IMHO 'deluged' is a bit exagerated. Also you can spot most spam by
> subject, so it's almost like filtering uninteresting threads.

I don't agree with this thinking at all -- The onus should never be on
the end user to jump through hoops. The sad fact is, that in all the
e-mail lists I'm on, Debian is the culprit 99.9% of the time, in any UCE
I receive. It's much easier to simply require new users to register, and
reply to a confirmation e-mail IMO.

It's appropriate to expect people to register for an e-mail list, yes,
even for beginner type help.

> > Hell, it's not like Debian.org doesn't have the expertise to do what's
> > right IMO.

> As I said, this has been discussed extensively and your arguments are
> not new. Please don't reopen this issue as it generated a nasty
> flamewar. I don't mind if you want to continue this off-list.

Obviously it should be rethought, if people are upset with the


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