John Kelly wrote:
> Many users won't complain, because they're glad to have an INBOX free
> of porn spam and other garbage.  For that, they don't mind sacrificing
> a potential 2% false positives.

Sorry, but my direct experience contradicts your opinion.

No only will they not accept any loss of emails, but they will
not even accept a delay of a few hours (as we found out when we
tried grey-listing).

The number of people who complain loudly is small, but they
usually happen to be quite influential people.

> For users who can't overcome the fear factor, I can change their spam
> setting from BLOCK to TAG.  Then they receive everything, garbage and
> all.  The spam which would have been blocked, is tagged with a header
> "X-Delivery-Tag: UCE" followed by a descriptive reason.

Actually, this is sort of what we do for all spam. Spam messages
get sent as an attachment to a warning message with the SA score.

Nothing gets deleted, so any false positives can be picked up by
the users, who have the responsibility of checking their Junk
Mail folder (everyone seems happy to do this much at least).

That said, rDNS checks are still useful. If a message fails these
then I add a 20s delay after the RCPT command. This does not seem
to affect any legitimate customers and even forces some of the
spammers to drop the connection. :-D (Even if they don't, our
mail servers have the resources spare and it hopefully stops the
zombie bots from sending a few extra messages).

Best regards,

George Borisov

DXSolutions Ltd

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