Ron Johnson wrote:
> On 09/28/06 14:18, Jay Zach wrote:
>>> Dear Debian Support,
> [snip]
>> Although, I use Debian for everything else Linux, I use IPCop 
>> ( for what you are wanting.  I think it would be
>> a lot simpler for you to setup for that purpose than Debian, as
>> that is what it's designed to do from the ground up.
> The IpCop About page mentions Linux Firewall Distribution about 85
> times, but not web caching and filtering.

It has web caching builtin --

Filtering is accomplished by easy to install addons that include Dan's
Guardian or urlfilter.  Advanced Proxy is also available as an addon and
 gives more caching control, and advanced options like ldap
authentication, all done through an easy to use html interface (although
installing the addons requires following a few simple steps through
ssh).  Here is a site that has many, many addons for IPCop, including
Cop+ which includes Dan's Guardian...

IMHO, it's a lot simpler to set up for someone new to linux, but there
may be exceptions.


No man is an island if he's on at least one mailing list.

Wednesday Sep 27, 2006


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