On Sat, Sep 30, 2006 at 10:06:51PM +0000, Oleg Verych wrote:
> Hallo, dear developers and users of Debian.
> I actually didn't care to search much of www, because i fed up with
> all of it, this is just my opinion.
> Mile stone, we are now is "man gcc": nothing found. Next mile stone
> "C-h i": nothing found...
> Debian project is to provide free OS. How one can develop that free OS
> without (that small amount of) documentation ? Emacs is by definition
> one that:
> "Description: The GNU Emacs editor
>  GNU Emacs is the extensible *self-documenting* text editor."
> Indeed. I doubt, one can use it without cabinet of vodka and month of
> reading emacs' docs.
> So, we will have free OS, nobody can develop without nonfree ?
> Nonsense.
> It's very sad...
> Kind of GNU Fuckup.
> Overdesign simple and let complex to whatever...
Hi Oleg,
Many folks here who believe in the DFSG understand and agree with your
point. But the guidelines are there for the users. Debian wants to
ensure that no one is ever put in a legal bind when they redistribute
ANY item from a Debian repository. You should check out the bug report
relating to the use of 'firefox' by mozilla.com and the recent release
of cdrkit after talks with its author failed. If documentation is
DFSG-free, it ensures that you can do more than just read it. The 4
freedoms that RMS wrote are not simply about just being able to read a
book or work. The solution is to ask the author to relicense the work
and/or for someone to create a new work that complies with the DFSG.
I too look forward to the day when we have DFSG documentation. It is
also of note that most other OS's (free or otherwise) dont have
sufficient freedom to allow a derivative of ALL of their software like
Debian(If this is not so, please provide info, as I'd love to know). I
think it was one of the reasons Ubuntu is based upon Debian.
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