
* Jabka Atu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [061016 08:05]:

> i need to get two packaes that are avalibale in regular stable (i386) for
> amd64 :
> user-he

That's an arch:all package availabe in Debian's testing and unstable
distribution.  arch:all means it is architecture independend so you can
use the same package on all architectures.  This also means, that if the
package is available in i386, it should be there fpor amd64, too.

Could it be, that you use testing / etch on i386 and stable / sarge on
amd64?  If that's not the case:  Which mirrors are you using?

> hebrew-settings

According to the package description, that's just a script in the
user-he package.

Yours sincerely,


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