On Sun, 2006-10-15 at 17:36 -0400, Mark Grieveson wrote:
> Hello.  Congratulations on making the transition.   To play movie files, 
> install the w32codecs package on your system, and then applications such 
> as Totem movie player will be able to play them (most of them anyway).  
> The package mplayer is also very good for viewing movie files, and often 
> is required for viewing embedded movie files on the internet (mplayer 
> does use a lot of system resources, however; so, if your system is weak, 
> it can cause crashes.)  For just viewing movie files that exist on your 
> hard drive, Totem is good.  I've also heard that Kaffeine is good (I 
> can't really vouch for this, though).  Anyway, to get the package 
> w32codecs installed, add the Debian Multimedia repositories to your 
> sources.list (this repository also has mplayer, realplayer, acroread, 
> etc).  For details on this, see 
> http://www.debiantutorials.org/content/view/86/114/

For MPlayer and WMV9 w32codecs is no longer necessary. One less non-free

In experimental (and maybe unstable?) Totem provides a very good browser

Sven Arvidsson
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