
* Alejandro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [061022 04:55]:
> People, I'm using Debian Etch and I'm installing Squidguard with Squid 
> in order to filter web sites, and I want to use the chastity-list 
> package (it's a blacklist of web sites) I used with Debian Sarge...but 
> I've been at Debian web site and I see chastity-list is not present in 
> Debian Etch repositories.

According to bug number 321594 [1] it was removed from Debian because
upstream (the original author of chastity-list) hasn't done anything on
his package since 2002, the Debian maintainer got lost, and no one
showed any interested in this package.

If you are interested in maintaining this package (which would most
likely mean, you need to take care of "upstream" work, too), feel free
to do so and ask on the debian-mentors list for a "sponsor" (a debian
developer, who is willing to upload your package to the archive).

  1: http://bugs.debian.org/321594

Yours sincerely,


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