Steve Lamb wrote:
Mike McCarty wrote:
If people around here (and elsewhere) would quit treating Linux/GNU
project as if it were a religion, a political statement, a way to
change the world paradigm, a poke in the eye at the mythically evil
MicroSoft Empire, an end to capitalism as we know it, and a triumph
of the downtrodden masses over the evil rich in general, and treat it
as an Operating System and associated Support Programs we'd ALL
be better off.

    Hear, hear!  Know how many of the above prevails in the lists in general?
 Know how off putting it is to someone who doesn't agree with 99% of it?  :)

I don't agree with 99% of straw man arguments.  Such arguments are indeed
offputting, and when combined with ridicule as in the examples cited, are
inflammatory and constitute good examples of "community hostility."

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