On Sun, Oct 29, 2006 at 09:21:19PM +0000, anthony wrote:
> Hello
> I'm embarrassed to admit this, but after using various flavours of debian for
> over a year 've managed to lock myself out of my /home directory. When I log 
> in
> I get the message - your home directory .dmrc file has the wrong permissions -

why is your home directory not '/home/anthony'?

> permissions should be set to 664
> (its actually the whole /home directory that has the wrong permissions)
> I have tried logging in to a failsafe terminal and fixing this by using chown
> username  /home/anthony/.dmrc
> the file now has these permissions:
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 anthony anthony 26 2006-09-21 18:56 /home/anthony/.dmrc
> but the login message is the same.
> I am reading the debian manual on file permissions, but I don't see an obvious
> way to reset this especially since I only have access to this file as root. 
> Any help much appreciated

exactly what did you do that lead to this?
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