On Fri, Dec 15, 2006 at 04:03:37PM +0100, Albert Dengg wrote:
> > This way to setup sudo does not make sense to me. It is giving full root
> > access to every user, which is plain bad. It must be a configuration for
> > single workstation used by one person only. 
> well, not exactly...
> normally, that kind of access ist set up only for certain groups...
> (i do not use ubuntu, but it is that way on for example osx, where there
> is a special admin group that allows sudo of all commands after password
> prompt. of course, maybe you should not use such an account for daily
> work as you shouldn't do that with the root account...)

I might very well miss something there. But that does not make sense to
me either. I have not tried ubuntu or osx yet, but to me, this setup
means that instead of having 1 password to protect and monitor, you have
several. I don't really see the point. 

I usually go for the following setup, use passwordless sudo for selected 
commands and option lists, kinda like a more configurable setuid since you 
restrict the option list. But for real root access, you use su (or su -
actually). This way, you have one password giving root privileges. While
there must be other ways, that always worked for me. 

I think we kinda drifted away from the original subject though :-)


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