On Wed, Dec 20, 2006 at 10:09:16PM +0100, Niels Rasmussen wrote:
> Debian on my own box !!!
> The installation was a breeze, actually I just had to hit "Enter" all
> the way except when user and passwords had to be typed in and space
> when I had to select some choices. All the way the installer did find
> the right hardware etc.
> For a start I had to write "installgui" at the boot prompt. The
> GUI-installer is very nice except for some translation errors US > DA
> (grrr).

Hi /niller,
great to hear that you got everything running! If you have suggestions
for better translations for 'DA' (danish), then please to make a bug
report for those. The debian installer translation team is always
looking for any help with whatever language you can help translate.
That way the next person will get an even better and more accurate
debian installer!
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