Dear Debianists,

I installed Sarge 3.1 r3 on a Gateway 2000 PC (133 MHz) with a 13GB hard drive I put in it.

I am going to upgrade to Etch RC1.

Because the machine is rather slow, I had to remove gnome and replace it with xfce4.

I noticed when I installed Etch on my 1200MHz machine at home that both the xorg, gnome and OpenOffice all start up much faster than they did when I had Sarge on the same machine.

So I am now interested to try out gnome rather than xfce4 on the old PC when I install Etch.....

But I have a few questions.

If I upgrade from Sarge to Etch, will it automatically replace Xfree4.3.0 with xorg?

If not would the command apt-get install xorg achieve the xorg installation in full?

I have looked at the docmentation on etch testing but although it talks about a lot of other things I couldn't find a list of commands to install the common packages used in a desktop install.

To get around this I looked in synaptic in my Etch install on my 1200 MHz machine. The highlighted packages I assume are the ones that hav been installed on the machine. For xorg, there only seemed to be one installed package, xorg itself, so I am confident that the command apt-get install xorg is likely to be sufficient to install it completely.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

But when I looked for packages with the word gnome in them there was quite variety.

I was thus not sure if the command apt-get install gnome or apt-get install kdm gnome would be sufficient in Etch to install everything needed to make gnome work.

In the case of Sarge I know that apt-get install gnome kde works for the window manager and apt-get install x-window-system work fine.

But my worry is that Etch may contain other packages that require a somewhat different
set of commands.

I could just wipe Sarge and install Etch from scratch to get around this problem, but I would like to try and make the upgrade work.

Your suggestions are appreciated.


Michael Fothergill

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