On Wed, 2007-01-10 at 10:44 -0600, Kent West wrote:
> I thought it was a problem in iceweasel, but I can not now recreate the
> problem there. But I can recreate it in icedove, version (20061220).
> Steps:
> * Receive an email with an attachment.
> * Double-click on the attachment.
> * Select "Open with" and "Browse" or "Other".
> * Start typing "/u" and the rest of "/usr" auto-fills in, which messes
> you up when you, without looking up, continue typing "s" and following.

I can't reproduce this. Nothing gets messed up if I continue to type "s"
instead of pressing tab to complete.

I'm not running icedove though, so I'm guessing this is either a bug
specific to icedove, or because I'm running GTK+ 2.10.

Sven Arvidsson
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