On 1/14/07, Roberto C. Sanchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Of course, just reading some of the posts makes it clear that not
everyone is a native speaker of English.  Many who are not are aware of
that fact preface questions or comments with a statemtent to that

On the rare ocassion where someone doesn't realize that this is an
English-only list, those of us who speak the language of the individual
will usually step up, try and provide a solution and then direct the
individual to the appropriate list for discussions in that language.

Of course, we may want to consider changing the name of the list to
debian-user-english, so that the name matches the pattern of all the
other language-specific lists and to minimize the confusion of people
posting here in a different language.  Of course, I don't think the
problem is *that* bad.



What about those of us who speak spam? :P  I guess there's no *-spam list

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