> -----Original Message-----
> From: Guillermo Garron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 5:15 PM
> To: Debian-Users List
> Subject: Debian instalation
> Hi,
> I have found some valuable info over the internet, and got some of it
> to build my own server.
> I put all that info in this page, hope could be useful to somebody.
> http://www.go2linux.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=40&Itemid=9
> best regards,
> -- 
> Guillermo Garron
> "Linux IS user friendly... It's just selective about who its 
> friends are."
> (Using FC6, CentOS4.4 and Ubuntu 6.06)
> http://feeds.feedburner.com/go2linux
> http://www.go2linux.org

My comments:

- During installation, it asks you for a single word hostname, and you put
- You chose manual partitioning, but the partition scheme you created
could have been done through guided partitioning.
- You go through a lot of trouble to run Bind in a chroot jail.  However,
you don't explain why you do it, and you don't explain the steps you're
taking.  Since this is supposed to be a beginner's howto, beginners won't
learn anything if you don't explain.  Personally, I'd get rid of Bind
and run a leaner, more secure DNS server, like PowerDNS.
- Since you're installing dovecot, there's no need to install saslauthd.
Dovecot has its own SASL authentication daemon.
- Since you're creating SSL certs, you shouldn't allow plaintext auth.
You should require TLS/SSL for plaintext auth.
- Under Spamassassin configuration, you created a user called spamfilter,
But in the postfix configuration, you're starting the spamchk script as
user filter.  Most like a typo.

Also, overall, there's very little in the way of helpful explanation
for someone new to Debian, which the document is supposed to be addressing.

-- Kevin

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