On Sun, Jan 21, 2007 at 08:43:16AM -0800, Peter Michaux wrote:
> On 1/21/07, Andy Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On Sat, Jan 20, 2007 at 11:15:38PM -0800, Peter Michaux wrote:
> >> When apache tries to serve a file it must have permission to access
> >> that file. Apache will have permission because either the "www-data"
> >> user has permission to access that file or group "www-data" has
> >> permission. How does the permission checking occur? When the apache
> >> process starts does it tell the os it's user and group and then the os
> >> knows when apache tries to access a file?
> >
> >Apache forks new processes which change their effective UID and GID
> >to match what you put in the directives above.  The OS does not need
> >to know anything special as it just sees a given process try to do
> >something.
> So when do file access permissions get checked?

In the system call that the apache process will do to read the file.

> And when is the data
> for the user and group apache as running as get transfered to the os
> so the os can do the checking? On application start-up or with each
> file access attempt?

Under the default settings Apache pre-forks several child processes
under the correct UID/GID.  Permissions checks happen when these try
to do anything, as is the case for all processes.

> >ps awux | grep httpd
> This shows the user in the first column but not the group. Actually
> the 'w' modifier in the ps command doesn't make a difference on my
> computer. So I still can't see which group unfortunately.

Well, "man ps"

ps -eo pid,user,group,args | less

> >Hopefully you understand now that root can switch the effective
> >UID/GID of a process it forks to that of any other user/group and
> >thus the questions as to whether the process can do soemthing
> >with/to a file is a generic one.
> Actually I don't have apache configured to fork new processes right
> now. So unless forking processes is a default behavior then I am just
> interested in the main apache application process.

I think you will find you have one apache process running as root,
and several running as whatever UID/GID you specified.  The one that
runs as root doesn't answer requests, it forks processes or spawns
threads to do that.


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