On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 at 04:50:46AM +0100, moggy wrote:
> i recently purchessed a debian disk "sarge" i think its called, it also 
> came with a live disk, that i thought i would have a look at first to see 
> how it works and how well i get on with it, however, after restarting my pc 
> and booting from the dvd rom and it does its little thing, the screen goes 
> black, and it has a little white box telling me to change the screen 
> settings/resolution to 1280X1024 60hz, which i can do in windows, and which 
> is also the manufactuers recommandation, the problum is i dont know how to 
> adjust the monitor or weather i really need to do this as there maybe 
> another way around the problum, i have been really looking forward to 
> getting a linux system but know little or nothing about how it works, hence 
> my trying the live disk first...  any help would be greatly recieved.
> thanks for your time...
> looking forward to becoming a fully fledged and dedicated debian user.
> moggy.

keep on pluggin' moggy, your efforts will be worth it. 

Kent's advice is probably best for getting X working on the live-cd
ctrl-alt-keypad+ will change the resolution that x is putting out. 

you can also try ctrl-alt-backspace to kill X altogether which may be
helpful in that it should drop you to a command line interface. If
that doesn't work, try ctrl-alt-f1 (or f2, f3, f4, f5, f6) which will
just switch you over to a command line (called a virtual terminal)
from which you can do various things to fix up the live-cd to work for

finally, check the boot options when the live-cd comes up. there are
various options to help it detect and set up the graphical interface

and really finally.... if you spend enough time messing around with
getting the live-cd going, you could have already installed a full
system (it doesn't take long...) so you might just go for it. 

keep asking questions, we're happy to help.


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