On Wed, Jan 31, 2007 at 09:41:07PM +0000, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> On 31 Jan 2007, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> > On Wed, Jan 31, 2007 at 04:15:25PM +0000, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> > > On 31 Jan 2007, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> > > 
> > > I failed to resize the Windows partition (Windows XP) with both the
> > > Debian installer disk and qparted. They appeared to work but at the end
> > > the partition was still the same size.
> > 
> > 
> > As I remember the process, you select the ntfs partition, resize it
> > (it will prompt you with the minimum size), wait wait wait, and then
> > you are presented with a new partitioning screen with lovely free
> > space. How did your experience differ?
> > 
> > A
> Nothing at all seemed to happen with the Debian installer. 

details here would help. my memory is that you select the partition,
and press enter (doing this from memory here...), select resize, enter
the size and away you go. 

> So I tried
> with ntfsresize from Knoppix. This completed satisfactorily but the
> partition was still the same size. It said I was next supposed to delete
> and remake the partition with cfdisk, which I did. It was now the
> correct size and type but Windows would no longer start.

yeah, probably the cfdisking confused its boot. what exactly happened
with the windows boot? nothing at all? or did it try to come up and

you are correct in that ntfsresize *just* resizes the file system and
not the partition. Knoppix includes other partitioners. I've used
qtparted with success. It will call ntfsresize as needed. you might
try that. 

> So I restored Windows from the restore compartment and it's working
> again, but of course it's now occupying the whole disk as before. 
> I don't really understand how cfdisk is supposed to work with
> ntfsresize. Perhaps I misunderstood the instructions. But I may have to
> give up and just delete Windows completely.

well this is obviously the best solution... ;-)


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