On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 11:04:14AM +0200, Andrei Popescu wrote:
> On Wed, 07 Feb 2007 23:46:57 -0800
> Freddy Freeloader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The reason I wouldn't run a gui by default is that these old machines 
> > don't have a lot of memory in them, and a gui eats a lot of resources
> > so I only use one occasionally and then shut it down after I'm done
> > using it.  I prefer using a cli most of the time because it's more
> > flexible and powerful in many respects than a gui, but some things,
> > like a browser, just seem more natural as a graphical interface to
> > me.   Maybe it's because I didn't start computing with DOS or Linux,
> > but with a gui. 
> If all you need is browsing, the fastest start you can get is xinit
> with your browser instead of an xterm (I don't remember what config file
> to change, maybe .xinitrc?). But you won't be able to run anything else.
> A more flexible solution is to use some minimalistic window manager
> (fluxbox, ... or even icewm).

yes, ~/.xinitrc

something like a single line in it:


then running startx will give you an x-session with JUST that program and 
more. when you exit iceweasel, the x-session will die and drop you
back to a vt. 


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