On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 03:58:45PM +0100, Jonas Meurer wrote:
> I've installed xen-hypervisor-3.0.3-1-amd64, which includes
> /boot/xen-3.0.3-1-amd64.gz.
> Do i still need a xen-enabled host kernel, or may i use the current
> self compiled kernel?

You need a kernel with xen patches and configured as dom0, such as
one of the debian xen kernels, or a kernel you've patched yourself.

> I saw that the current linux-source-2.6.18 from unstable contains a
> menuconfig option 'Xen support'. I guess that i need to enable this,
> and then use /boot/xen-3.0.3-1-amd64.gz as domain0 kernel.
> Is that correct?

Well, sort of.  The Linux kernel with Xen patches can function as
dom0 kernel or domU kernel or both, depending on how it's
configured.  In dom0's grub config you set the xen hypervisor (in
your case /boot/xen-3.0.3-1-amd64.gz) as the kernel, with your dom0
kernel as a module line in grub.

Later on you use the domU kernel (which may actually be the exact
same kernel you usein dom0) in the user domains' config files.

> But I cannot find any example kernel config in the xen-docs package.

It's pretty self explanatory when you look in the "Xen" part of the
kernel config, if you're using a xen-patched kernel.


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