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On 02/13/07 01:35, Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
> Ron Johnson wrote:
>> On 02/12/07 11:49, Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
>>> Joe Hart wrote:
>>>> Andrei Popescu wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, 11 Feb 2007 18:41:55 +0200 Micha Feigin
>>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> I might be a bit of a purist, but I would say that even for one
>>> page of a document you will be better of with LaTeX. Word output
>>> might be ok for a quick fax, but the printed text from a half-way
>>> decent printer will always look better, if it's done in LaTeX.
>> Outside of high academia & the publishing industry, that amount of 
>> precision doesn't really matter.
> Outside of high academia & the publishing industry, most people don't
> care how ugly their printed documents look. They accept what they are
> used to accept. When they are told about LaTeX, they fear the effort
> that might  be involved in getting used to create documents in a
> different way and don't take the time to have a closer look. They also
> don't take the time to even ponder about the possibility that LaTeX's
> concept of separating structure, content and layout would boost their
> productivity in the long run or not. And they know that within their
> ranks they stick with the majority and thus can't be wrong.
> In this way, talking to M$ word users about LaTeX is just about the same
> as talking to M$ O$ users about linux or debian. They might struggle
> with some of the shortcomings, but their pain is not big enough to leave
> the mainstream and to dare the move to another way of working.

But you see, there's the issue.  There *is* *no* *pain* writing
short, relatively simple documents with word processors.

Even for mid-length documents, I've /read/ (but have no first-hand
knowledge) that OOo2 works very well if you understand how OOo
templates work.
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