On Wed, Feb 14, 2007 at 10:48:21AM -0500 or thereabouts, Roberto C. Sanchez 
> On Wed, Feb 14, 2007 at 01:38:03AM -0500, Stephen wrote:
> > 
> > You don't know MSFT Word well do you ? It's relatively easy to create a
> > TOC from a structured Word document. Doesn't take much skill at all. The
> > key is structure, and to work in outline view.
> > 
> Have you actually verified that the TOC is correct in those cases?  I've
> seen quite a few structured word documents create by office-wizards with
> a TOC that did *not* actually match the document.  That is, it would
> list section one starting on page 8, but it actually starts on page 6 or
> something like that.

Yes of course, I'm a typesetter and wouldn't be employed for long if I
let something like that escape me. ;)

The firm I worked at prior, used it's own typesetting system, which
really was TeX/Latex with some of their own custom scripts (I guess
that's why they called it their system). They were quite proud of it,
deservedly so.

> > Where Word falls short is it's typesetting algorithm. Otherwise it would
> > be quite good.
> > 
> Boy does it fall way short.  There is also the whole thing about how the
> user interface just plain gets in the way.  Office 97 was actually
> pretty good in terms of the UI not being overly annoying.  I never used
> 2000 much, but I have recently been forced into using XP and 2003 and
> they both *suck* in this respect.

I agree with you. I'd rather not deal with MSFT Word, but in the real
world, one doesn't always get that choice, unfortunately.

When I was in school, the professors insisted on papers being submitted
in .doc format, via e-mail. I argued for PDF but didn't get anywhere. :(

Stephen A.
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