On Tue, 13 Feb 2007 21:54:24 -0500
Ken Heard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >>     Ifconfig only reports the loop back IP address.  The IP address
> >> assigned by the gateway,, was not reported by
> >> ifconfig, presumably because the operating system cannot connect
> >> to the network.
> Back to Kent, with my responses.
> > What happens when you run "/etc/init.d/networking restart"?
>       Returned:
> Setting up IP spoofing protection: rp_filter.
> Reconfiguring network interfaces...Failed to bring up eth0.
> done.
>       Then a series of messages scrolled down the screen, similar,
> maybe identical to what appears as part of the boot-up.       
>       One line which I caught seemed to read:
>  tried to execve (/etc/dhclient -script, ...): Permission denied
> followed by several attempts to connect with the network, all of which
> failed.

It would be nice to get the exact error messages. But I'm guessing your
computer doesn't connect to your dhcp server.
>       Since these two problems emerged, the syslog has always shown
> the following:
> Feb  8 09:04:24 localhost kernel: eth0: RealTek RTL8139 at 0xa000,
> 00:50:ba:4f:b1:24, IRQ 169
> Feb  8 09:04:24 localhost kernel: eth0:  Identified 8139 chip type
> 'RTL-8139C'

This looks ok
> whereupon the boot-up continued, trying unsuccessfully to connect to
> the network, including a line with execve in it, and always ending
> with these last two lines:
> Feb  8 09:04:41 localhost kdm_greet[2943]: Can't open default user
> face Feb  8 09:04:47 localhost kdm: :0[2948]: Session
> "/etc/kde3/kdm/Xsession" execution failed: Permission denied

This is definitely not related to the networking problem, but to your X

> > What does your /etc/network/interfaces file look like?

[snip interfaces]

Your interfaces looks normal (for a dhcp connection). You can try the
following. As root run:

        ifconfig eth0 address up

then try to ping your gateway. If this works then it is a problem with
your gateway not responding to the dhcp query.

P.S. A new thread should really be a new thread (not just a change of
subject). You could get more answers that way.
If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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