On Fri, Feb 16, 2007 at 01:42:18PM -0700, Admin wrote:
> Andrei Popescu
> Thanks for your reply. Hope you don't have to snip too much. My yet 
> outstanding question is the POOL directory. I think the POOL directory 
> contains 'sarge' which would be the latest official release.  But I am 
> not sure.
The "pool" contains packages for stable / testing / unstable all 
together. If you install Stable, the release package list pulls the 
package versions used from stable from the pool, Testing pulls testing 
and so on.

> But everyone seems to get distracted about me wanting a local LAN 
> mirror of  source and binanry.  Granted that a dial up connection and 
> especially a dial up connection that is shared between several machines 
> is going to take forever (I estimate over 200 days -- maybe longer if it 
> keeps dropping connections on big ORIG files and then starting over). 
The packages are put on the CD's / DVD's in popularity order these days.

The first two CD's or the first DVD (worth 7 CD's) will possibly be all 
you require. 

> I have been looking for a Canadian source of these 14 CDs -- one that 
> uses the Debian authorized images.  

There are Linux user groups in Canada - there are even Debian 
developers.You could try asking your nearest LUG which has fast network 
connection to download you one disk and mail it to you.
> At the present time I do not have a machine on which to run DEBIAN.  So, 
> I use live CDs or DVDs which claim to also install  the entire 
> distribution but I know from experience that 4 or 5 DVDs are required in 
> order to get the whole show -- all 14 or 15. So one LIVE DVD is not 14 CDs.

One DVD is 6 or 7 CDs.

> I had reserved  about 200 Gig of space on the C_drv of my busiest 
> machine (XP Pro machine with Pentium 3) for DEBIAN running in 
> conjunction with Xen the virtual machine.  But I did not partition or 
> format this empty space and I cannot get any partition facility to 
> recognize that the empty disk space even exists.  Instead, these 
> facilities think that this big disk is just 22 Gig and there is no other 
> space. If you or anyone else knows of a facility that can reclaim this 
> empty space then please let me know. Otherwise, DEBIAN will have to wait 
> for the new machine or go dual boot on one still at the computer 
> hospital recovering from a faulty disk and slow service. I am 
> considering an Intel dual core BUT I DON'T KNOW IF DEBIAN WILL RUN ON 
> SUCH A MACHINE??????   

Of course it will. You can use either the i386 (32 bit) distribution or
the amd64 (64 bit) version on such a machine. On 64 bit / brand new 
hardware I would be tempted to go straight to an install of Etch, which is 
currently the Debian testing release - it will be released as a stable 
version sometime in the next few months in all probability.

> Andrei Popescu wrote:
> >On Wed, 14 Feb 2007 14:28:25 -0700
> >Archive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >[huge snip]
> >
> >The entire Debian archive is ~205 GB. You do *not* want to download
> >that over a slow connection.
> >
Full ack - with a 2MB line, it took me about ten days to download it.

Hope this helps,


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