
I am seeing an inordinate amount of packages dropped on my firewall -
all coming from the same source and hitting a very limited range of
ports (as reported by psad):

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mon Feb 19 10:34:03 2007
         Danger level: [1] (out of 5)                                           
    Scanned tcp ports: [10258: 1 packets]                                       
            tcp flags: [SYN: 1 packets, Nmap: -sT or -sS]                       
       Iptables chain: INPUT (prefix "Shorewall:net2all:DROP:"), 1
                  DNS: maverick14.sans.org                                      
          Destination: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
                  DNS: my.firewall.at.home
      Syslog hostname: firewall
     Current interval: Mon Feb 19 10:33:58 2007 (start)                         
                       Mon Feb 19 10:34:03 2007 (end)                           
   Overall scan start: Mon Feb 19 08:19:11 2007                                 
   Total email alerts: 6                                                        
   Complete tcp range: [10256-10258]                                            
   chain:   interface:   tcp:   udp:   icmp:                                    
   INPUT    eth0         10     0      0                  


Similar scans have been happening for weeks now, always from the same
address. I realize that except for the fact that my firewall is
running Debian (Sarge with some packages from Etch) this question is
probably off-topic, but if anyone knows why I might be getting all
this traffic, I would appreciate any hints.


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