Joe Hart wrote:
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Chris Bannister wrote:
On Wed, Feb 21, 2007 at 06:53:06PM +0100, Joe Hart wrote:
One of the things that draws me to KDE is the fact that _almost_
everything is configurable (I can't change the foreground text color on
the items in the taskbar :( ).  Oh well.
You will love fvwm where everything _is_ configurable[1]. At the moment I have gold text on a blue background. A task bar is optional, but unnecessary with FvwmButtons.
Do try it. :-)

[1] It's a bit of a learning curve, _but_ with power/versatility comes a
huge manpage :-)

I am a fvwm devotee. Absolutely everything is programmable through its .conf file. I have used it for years. Wishes:

1. An app that would show all that fvwm *can* do. Since I have been using the same conf file for years, how do you find what might be possible. Reading that man page is not possible for ordinary humans.

That's one (fvwm) that I haven't tried. Unless that's comes standard on
some distro's that I have tried.  I'll look into it.  Thanks for the tip.


P.S.  Learning Curve?  What's that?  I've tacked the switch from Windows
to GNU/Linux, and using the CLI for most of my management instead of
doing things through a GUI.  I also am now running Sid because Etch was
too stable for me to learn anything from. (If it ain't broke, I can't
fix it)

[OT] Booting linux-image-2.6.18 with a USB disk attached is broke. Would love to fix *that*.

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