Tyler MacDonald wrote:
>   I use mutt in non-threaded mode so I have no idea. :-)

    So the list should adjust itself to how you read mail?

>   However, this proves the value of having a designated OT list signficantly
> guys: Here is someone subscribed to the very mailing list that supposed to
> help him learn more about debian, who is currently powerless to avoid the OT
> spam that's coming along with it (and currently increasing in velocity)!

    No, it's not.  This is normal.  In fact ask any crusty ol' Debian fart
who's been around for almost a decade (hi!) how predictable the deluge of "Oh
mah gawd, the list is going to hell because of this one thread!" messages are
in threads like this.  It is so predictable we could make it the Godwin law of
OT D-U threads.  Of course, just like Godwin's law, it doesn't make the
predictions any more true.

>   IANADD, but I would like to see something get going with this soon... what
> is the procedure? Does a debian developer "sponsor" the mailing list? Is
> there some sort of vote that has to happen?

    This too is predictable.  And no, it's not happening.  Doubtful it will
happen since to move any OT discussion you have to get all the participants to
switch over en masse.  Furthermore most technical lists that have tried it
have found a really odd thing.  On-topic discussions on the Off-Topic list.
Great, now we have to move it all back to the main list, en masse.  Where,
d'oh, some portions go off-topic again!

    Welcome to human conversation.

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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