On Thu, Mar 01, 2007 at 11:22:37AM -0600 or thereabouts, Dave Walker wrote:

[ ...]

> What I don't know is how to reply to the list so that I don't create a
> separate thread with each e-mail. If I use the "reply" button in
> Gmail, the reply goes to the sender, and not to the list. It would be
> infinitely better for me to keep similar posts in a thread together,
> and to reply to the list.
> Anybody know how to do that in Gmail?

I'm using GMail for my e-mail. However I rarely use the web interface.

I would suggest you take a look through GMail options/settings and
enable POP retrieval. Then you can read and post using a regular e-mail
address using Google POP/SMTP. That will help enormously when posting to
high volume e-mail lists.

If you need any help, I'll be glad to offer whatever I can.

Stephen A.
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Zounds!  I was never so bethumped with words
since I first called my brother's father dad.
                -- William Shakespeare, "Kind John"

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